Friday, September 26, 2008

A birth story

When L first asked me to take pics during her birth, my first reaction was YES. Only afterwards I started thinking about the whole birth thing, and everything it involves.

For an elective ceaser mom, this was to me... a big deal. I started reading up about normal births, and also surfing the web to try and get a feel for it.

Closer to the time, I also explained to L, that I am a little bit scared, as I don't really know what to expect etc. She ended up reassuring me that I would be ok. LOL

When I got the sms, everything just faded away. All my fears, everything seemed to disappear. I had a 30 minute drive, and the whole time there, I was praying, as I really needed to be strong. Not just for L, but for me too. I needed to be calm, as I am an extremely emotional person, and I needed to me in control of my emotions.

I got to L, and even though she was in labour and in pain, she was doing so great.

I was given the opportunity to witness the miracle of natural child birth. I was let into the sacred part of someone’s life, where she was most vulnerable, but yet, most beautiful. Where she became a mother, and her mother became a grand mother. I got to share such a precious time with a wonderful family, and at that moment, it didn’t feel like the third time I have actually met these wonderful people, it felt like I was part of the family.

I got to hold little Kai a few minutes after his birth, I got to help his Nana put on his first clothes. And even though I was only supposed to take photos, I became (for a very small moment) part of their sacred circle. Part of the absolute miracle that just happened.

For me this was a life changing event. For that I need to thank L and I. It is something I cannot describe to anyone, the emotions, and the energy that flowed everything.

All I know is that it was a momentous occasion, and something I will never forget.

3 Please leave comments here:

Unknown September 26, 2008 at 9:56 PM  

Oh wow, Natacha, that's so special!

Natasha September 30, 2008 at 12:53 AM  

What a special occasion Tach, you did great!

Ina January 26, 2009 at 8:23 AM  

I look back at this and cant believe its only 4 months ago !!
where did the time go.. and it is still as special now as it was then
thanks again for giving us memories that we can go back and back to look at

About This Blog

I work full time working mother of two young children. I enjoy sharing my love for photography with my clients!

My blog is a collection of most of my shoots that I have done since I started my photography journey in 2007. Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. I love hearing from visitors, so please feel free to leave a comment.

Contact Natacha

084 621 6762



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